The Create Standalone Invoice screen is used to create and submit an invoice without referencing an existing award or order. It is transmitted from VSS to Momentum when it is submitted.
The Create Standalone Invoice screen can be accessed using the following path from the desktop:
Electronic Invoicing>Create Invoice>Create Standalone Invoice
from the [Create Standalone Invoice] button that appears on many screens throughout VSS
The Create Standalone Invoice screen contains several types of information. It contains the following buttons, sections, and fields (click each tab for more information): (* indicates a required field)
There are several buttons on the screen. Some buttons will not be active if a record is not selected.
Button | Description |
Search |
View |
Edit |
Delete |
Clear |
Send New Message |
Exit |
Add |
Copy |
Remove |
Verify |
Save |
Submit |
Select an award or order from the Summary and click [Create Referenced Invoice]. Displays invoice information screen.
Field descriptions listed below are broken down by section for easy searching. To find the field description you need, locate the section title on the table in VSS and find the field in the corresponding category below.
Field Name | Description |
Invoice Number * |
Document Title |
Credit Amount |
Invoiced Amount * |
Currency * |
Invoice Date |
Invoice Resubmission Date |
Status |
Description |
Field Name | Description |
Contract |
Order |
Field Name | Description |
Registration Number |
On Standalone Invoices, if the user is associated with a single vendor, this field defaults to the Vendor Registration Number of that vendor.
Code |
On Standalone Invoices, if the user is associated with a single vendor, this field defaults to the Vendor Code of that vendor.
Address Code |
On Standalone Invoices, if the user is associated with a single vendor, this field defaults to the Vendor Address Code of that vendor.
DUNS+4 |
On Standalone Invoices, if the user is associated with a single vendor, this field defaults to the DUNS+4 of that vendor.
(Unique Entity Identifier) - An identifier used to identify a specific commercial, nonprofit, or Government entity. |
EFT Indicator |
EFT Indicator - Unique code used to identify additional bank accounts associated to a single UEI. |
Name |
Field Name | Description |
Delivery Date |
Additional Markings |
Field Name | Description |
Day 1-4 |
Up to four separate date and rate pairs may be entered. |
Amount 1-4 |
Up to four separate date and rate pairs may be entered. |
Percent (0-100) 1-4 |
Up to four separate date and rate pairs may be entered. |
Net Days |
Field Name | Description |
Name * |
Invoice Office Code * |
Invoice Office Address Code * |
Field Name | Description |
Address Line 1-5 |
City |
State |
Zip |
Country |
Phone Number |
Fax Number |
Field Name | Description |
Contact Name |
Phone Number |
Email Address |
Used to add, copy, modify, and remove invoice lines.
The summary provides two helpful capabilities:
View as CSV - VSS users will have the ability to view search results in CSV so they can copy their search results externally to their computer for further research.
Sort Provides the ability for VSS users to sort summary results based on multiple columns and ability to arrange in sequence.
Field | Description |
Line Number |
Quantity |
Commodity Name |
Unit of Issue |
Unit Price Amount |
Invoice Line Amount |
Field Name | Description |
Commodity Name |
Quantity * |
Unit Price Amount |
Invoice Line Amount * |
Period of Performance Start Date |
Period of Performance End Date |
Description |
Unit of Issue |
Field Name | Description |
BPA Line Number |
Contract |
Contract Line Number |
Order |
Order Line Number |
Field Name | Description |
Delivery Date |
Additional Markings |
Used to add and display attachments to the response. This tab is not visible if viewing a response without an attachment.
Attachments must be 6MB or smaller in size; larger documents will prevent successful transmission of the response to the receiving agency after submission. If necessary, break a large attachment into smaller documents or use a compression tool (WinZIP, etc.) to shrink the size of the documents.
Field | Description |
Uploaded File |
Title |
Size (bytes) |
Content Type |
Electronic Invoicing Functionality
This commercial computer software is delivered with Restricted Rights to the Government. Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to the restrictions set forth in the FAR, DFAR, or other license provisions referenced in the contract. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
© 1997-2023 CGI Federal Inc. All rights reserved.
The Momentum® software is the copyrighted work of CGI Federal Inc., its related entities and/or its suppliers. Use of the software is governed by the terms of the end user license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is included with the software.
Unless CGI Federal explicitly gives you permission within a license agreement accompanying the software, you may not copy, modify, distribute, display, license, or sell the software or any of its components.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of CGI Federal.
The software is protected by United States Patent Nos. 6,343,279; 6,532,450; and 6,910,021.